Journey to Self Love and Empowerment

Self-love is a superpower. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about embracing your quirks, strengths, and everything that makes you wonderfully YOU. Let’s make this week (and everyday) about celebrating the incredible person in the mirror. Start drafting a love letter to yourself, embrace your awesomeness, and let the self-love party begin!  Self-love is fuel […]

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Escape the comparison trap in your relationships!

Let’s talk about real life versus reel on social media.  Many times what we see on social media is often a curated highlight reel – carefully selected moments and filtered snapshots of people’s lives. The perfect date night with the perfect partner. The perfect day at the beach.  It’s not reality, it’s more like a […]

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A Guide to Cultivate Self-Love

Self-love is your superpower! Increasing your self-loves is one of the most powerful things you can do to become magnetic to attract people and experiences you want into your life.  Our culture has conditioned us to think we’re not good enough, not loveable as we are. This has helped feed the capitalism monster, but has […]

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Unlock Your Success with this Secret!

In a world that often focuses on external achievements and validations, the importance of self-love cannot be overstated. Loving yourself is not just a buzzword; it’s an important practice that impacts your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore why self-love matters and the benefits it brings to your life. […]

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Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz

Join me on the latest “Choose On Purpose Podcast with Becky Plautz” episode for a journey from daydreamer to visionary! I share how I went from a challenging past into a purposeful and successful life. We dive into intention, dreaming, and action as I share how I conquered mindset hurdles to achieve extraordinary milestones. In […]

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Celebrating 5 Years of You Be You Coaching

🌟🎉 Celebrating Five Years of You Be You Coaching! 🎉🌟 It’s been an incredible journey helping clients break through mental barriers and embrace their fullest potential. At You Be You, we’re about helping you create the life you love utilizing mindfulness, cultivating positive habits, and unlocking creativity and abundance in every individual. Over the past […]

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Tranquility Wellness Center One Year Anniversary!

September marks an extraordinary milestone – the one year anniversary of Tranquility Wellness Center! 🎊✨ This journey started as a dream and a vision that had been nurtured for five long years. And now, to stand here and reflect on a full year of Tranquility Wellness Center being open is nothing short of incredible. 💫 […]

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My Speaking Tour

What an incredible journey my Polka Dot Powerhouse Speaker Tour was last month! 🗣️💥 Kicked things off in Madison, WI and the energy was absolutely electrifying! ✨ I’ve never felt more inspired and connected with my audience. Admittedly, I got so caught up in the moment that I completely forgot to capture it in photos! […]

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