Journey of Live an Empowered Life Now – Part 1

Launching this book was a journey of MANY ups and downs! The first challenge was back in November 2022 on my book writing retreat in San Diego. I went out to dinner and our rental car was involved in a hit and run accident while we were in the restaurant and I lost half a […]

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Practice Self Love

Self-love is the practice of treating yourself with kindness and grace, nurturing your growth, being respectful of your thoughts and feelings. Overall, self-love is accepting yourself for who you are!  Self love is so important! How are you showing up for yourself on a day to day basis and practicing self love? Practicing self love […]

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The Traveler’s H.E.A.R.T.! Podcast Episode!

Check out episode 17 of The Traveler’s H.E.A.R.T.! podcast that I was recently on. This podcast was such an incredible experience and it shifted something deep inside of me. If you have been dreaming about hiking along the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu, then there are things you need to know before visiting this mystical […]

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Empowered Living Membership

Making Dreams Happen As we are starting the new year I have done a lot of reflecting about what 2022 looked like and where I am going in 2023. The new year is always the perfect time to reset your intentions, focus on your goals, and really think about what you want your life to […]

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Words are POWERFUL! Use them to maximize your mindset!

Did you know that you can maximize your mindset to improve your health? Your mindset is created by the words you’re using. These are the words you say to yourself and out loud. Your thoughts are just words in your head, so what you say to yourself internally is just as important if not more […]

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Mirror Work Works!

Mirror Work Works – How to Improve Your Self Love! Self love is an essential key to living a happy life. One of the most effective tools for increasing your self love is mirror work. Mirror work is a very simple concept – it involves looking at yourself in the mirror and saying/thinking nice things […]

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7 Tips To Reduce Your Stress <5 minutes!

A small amount of stress in our lives can be a good thing, like having a deadline inspires you to complete a project in a timely manner. The problem is that most of us have chronic and consistent stress that never goes away. When stress becomes chronic or severe it can quickly create problems for […]

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