How to set SMARTER goals!

Setting goals literally rewires your brain to make essential parts work more effectively! Our brains have neuroplasticity, which means that goal-setting literally changes the structure of your brain so it’s optimized to achieve that goal. Our brain doesn’t know the difference between what we want and what we have. This means setting a goal is […]

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The Words You Say Matter!

Your internal monolog or the “voice inside your head” plays an important role in it can help you recognize how you see yourself and become aware of the thoughts that you have. A positive internal monolog is beneficial as it can help to decrease stress and relieve anxiety and depression. Your internal monolog is also […]

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Product Review: CBD Dog Treats

August 30th is Holistic Pet Day! We all love our pets like they are our children, and today is a day to consider their health! Holistic means taking a look at the mind, body, and spirit of your pet. Just like humans, it’s important to take a look at the “big picture” of your pets health […]

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You Are Whatever You Think!

You are whatever you think! There is some really fascinating research showing that you are whatever you think you are, which is why it’s so important to visualize yourself as successful! Your words and thoughts can limit or empower your entire life! A growing amount of psychology research has shown that you are whatever you […]

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No Interruptions Day

December 31st is No Interruptions Day! Make a conscious effort today to limit interruptions. When you learn to redirect your focus towards completing tasks you can be more mindful about your actions and the work that you are getting done. Minimizing interruptions is a great way to be more mindful and productive during your day. […]

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